Trial and Error

The Outcry for Justice in the Dennis Dechaine Case

Human Sacrifice: On the Altar of Injustice

This is the story of injustice: an innocent man bulldozed into life imprisonment and kept there by a legal community that doesn't give a damn. Americans really need to know that every story doesn't have a happy ending. And it could happen to anyone.

This terrible story began when a beautiful, innocent child approaching the adventure of adolescence was desecrated and discarded in a lonely wood. A tidal wave of outrage overwhelmed the public. Officials charged with protecting us from such nightmares were swept into a state of desperation.

"Human Sacrifice" chronicles the chilling series of events that led the State of Maine to railroad an innocent man, a thirty year old, college educated farmer never before even suspected of a crime, into life imprisonment. In Maine, life imprisonment means "until you're dead."

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Human Sacrifice: On the Altar of Injustice

High-quality soft-cover edition, 418 pages, 

is exclusively available from Trial & Error for $15, with free shipping.

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